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msangelic log

msangelic pushes mel away, screaming
melinasix: baby
Felicity1: Emily, Brad is my husband, best friend and my sole lover.
kirisma: awwwwww
melinasix: aw Fel
Felicity1: He is very special.
melinasix: stop what bill dear?
kirisma: burr it is cold here burrrr
msangelic: i didnt do anything! it was her!
Bill_Wa: he loves your feet Felicity1?
emily: oh - i tend to keep those functions seperate, fliss!
melinasix: what?
Chronophes: sole or soul, or maybe seoul?
Fenrir: not again
Bill_Wa: he's Korean?
Chronophes: R4olling o4n t4he F4loor L4aughing!
dana-in-di: hi all
Chronophes: you crack me up Bill
Keres: Nice to see sanity has been and gone for a second :)
Bill_Wa: or he loves to enjoy you with fish?
melinasix: sole lover and soul lover?
msangelic: melina stop getting me in trouble! all i did was walk in, you pulled my hair and then i got shouted at by bill!
Felicity1 gives Msa a Koala bear hug.
Keres: kirisma, May I PM you?
melinasix smiles innocently and hums to herself
Bill_Wa hugs msangelic I know dear
kirisma: yeh keres
Felicity1: Emily, would you care to talk? just chat.
msangelic: good
melinasix: koala bear? I got a joke!
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} dozes on a bar stool
Fenrir settles down on the couch
Bill_Wa: swear to god you two cannot be in the same room together, lol
emily: sure
kirisma tries to peek under Jims kilt
msangelic: is her fault bill she is always picking on me, i think shes jealous that my hairs better than hers
Chronophesus hands Jim some drambuie on ice
melinasix loves msa and worships the ground she walks on
melinasix: *choke*
Fenrir hears mel and passes out
Chronophesus hands mel some drambuie on ice too
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} is wearing undies so kirisma can't see anything
melinasix: yeah, I didnt believe it either
kirisma: lol @ JIM
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} takes the drink from Chronophesus
dana-in-di: Hi silktied
melinasix: mmmmmmmm ty Chrono!!!!!
msangelic sits down, after checking theres no whoopie cushion
melinasix: *sip*
Chronophes: that stuff is great if you got a cold
kirisma takes JIMs drink and drinks it
kirisma: hehehe
Chronophes: clears you right out
silki: hi jim
Bill_Wa sits and huggles msangelic
Fenrir: so does a colonic
melinasix snuggles msa allwup
Jim_The_Sc: hey silki
Bill_Wa: ewwwwww
Chronophes: L4aughing O4ut L4oud
silktied_m: silki wanna pm?
Chronophes: not that kind of clear out
melinasix: oh
silki: yes
dana-in-di: sips her ginger ail
Chronophes: got a cold....
Chronophes: L4aughing O4ut L4oud
Fenrir: much better when something goes in the top
melinasix is feeling VERY loving now
Chronophes: L4aughing O4ut L4oud
msangelic doesnt trust mel
melinasix cuddles msa all tightly to her bosom...I will love her and hug her and tease her and squeeze her..
msangelic: get off mel!
msangelic pushes mel back, knowing shes playing a trick or something
tas: g'day keres
melinasix drapes herself on msa, snugglin'
msangelic: stop it melina!
melinasix: *kisses msa and squeeeeeeezesssssss
tas: lol u 2 still fighting:)
Chronophes: oh, he's gonna sit by you, another one rides the bus!
dana-in-di: crosses legs
tas: mornin dana
dana-in-di: hi tas
Fenrir: that don't sound like fighting
msangelic kicks at mel to get off her
msangelic: you're creeping me out mel
melinasix sighs that she has only one life to devote to the adoration of msa
msangelic frowns
Chronophes: lol@melina
msangelic: you're dooing this to annoy me arent you mel?
Fenrir: i'm getting suspious as well now lol
Chronophes: even if she isn't, she's doing a fine job
melinasix: I Love you, msa!!!!!
melinasix: I would have your babies if you werent a grrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!
Chronophes: omg
Chronophes: R4olling o4n t4he F4loor L4aughing!
Jim_The_Sc: lol
msangelic: stop it melina!!!!!!!!!
msangelic hits mel in the arm
msangelic: i prefer it when you're nasty than creepy nice
dana-in-di: Oh My
melinasix: oouch...*puppy dog adoring eyes at msa*
msangelic: jim!!!! tell her to stop it!
Chronophesus snaps a picture of the bruise on mel's arm, and gives it to her, so she can savor the moment forever...
Jim_The_Sc: Melina
tas had a chance to get his head together catches up an gives mel a big ole good mornin smoochies
Jim_The_Sc: please stop being nice to msa
Jim_The_Sc: rofl
Jim_The_Sc: can't believe i wrote that
msangelic sits away from melina
melinasix is lost in a dream of msa in a swing, in a white flowing dress...ahhhhhhh
msangelic: melina stop it now or else
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} is seeing that pic too
Fenrir: sound like something out of the waltons
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} has a dreammy stare at msa
dana-in-di: Hi JohnBoy
melinasix: *follows msa around the room*
msangelic: melina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
melinasix: yes my love?
Fenrir: i think you have a stalker msa
Chronophes: it was weird...
msangelic: grrr stop being all creepy
melinasix gets all giddy cuz msa addressed her
Chronophes: mel is good at creepy
Chronophes: just hope she doesn't pretend to be cupid and shoot you with her longbow
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} hands msa a white flowing dress
msangelic: melina if you dont stop it im gonna hit you
Jim_The_Sc: i'll build a swing for you
msangelic: jim stop helping her in her creepy ways!
melinasix: oooooooohhhhhh but a touch of your hand..heaven...
msangelic frowns
msangelic: mel please stop it
melinasix sits, smiling up adoringly at msa
Jim_The_Sc: lol
msangelic sulks
Fenrir: a swing,is tharak gonna allow that attached to his rafter
Fenrir: you tell a 10 ft man eating demon its not his rafter
melinasix awaits a word..a touch..
msangelic: Millenium Suplexgives melina the middle finger
msangelic: oops
CorsetLaur: hi Manager205
Dark-Guyve: nice to see you CorsetLaura
Jim_The_Scotsman{k} watches msa shout out her attack before using it like in the movies
CorsetLaur: I don't think LT is listening
melinasix: awwwwwww she addressed me with her finger...soooo happy!!!!!
Bill_Wa: Hi and WB kirisma:{)
Manager205: wb kirisma
tas: wb kiri
MaskedHero destroys the rubber ball with his laser
msangelic: ok melina if you stop i promise i wont hit you ever again melinasix: but I WANT AND NEED your touch!!!!!!!
kirisma: thank you bill
Chronophesus watches mel taking things maybe a bit too far
Bill_Wa: 2[MaskedHero2] you're good at destroying Other peoples property.
kirisma gives everyone group hugs
melinasix: *snicker
Fenrir: she's just teasing you msa
msangelic: but I WANT AND NEED YOU to stop being all creepy, its not even funny melina, you're just finding new ways to tease me!
Chronophesus hands Fenrir a wolf
CorsetLaura not to be out done, CL group hugs
melinasix: heheeee
melinasix: ah I gotta brb..just when I was having fun..CWAP!
msangelic: good ridance melina
msangelic relaxes now melina isnt pestering her
*** Chronophesus is now known as DorkyJanitor
DorkyJanitor cleans up the poops and giggles
etoile^brillante{I} collapses wearily into her Eagles arms...mmmmmm...you are just what i need right now love!
*** DorkyJanitor is now known as Chronophesus
Chronophes: better?
etoile^bri: hi Bill! *hugs*
Fenrir: poor msa,wanna come sit over here on the couch

melinasix comes back after changing a very poopy diaper on a 2 month old..eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
tas: H4aH4a
msangelic: ewwwwww melina thats disgusting!
CorsetLaur: A eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk
melinasix: I know!!!!!
Chronophes: wow mel, that sounds like a job for.... DorkyJanitor!!!!!
*** Guest08798 is now known as Benazir
CorsetLaur: glad it is you and not me Melina
Dark-Guyve: aww cute baby
melinasix: yeah
melinasix: hi Benazir!
Benazir: hi all
msangelic: babys rule though


Oh msangelic such a love we have for you
And we hope you love us too
We look at you with puppy dog eyes
And all the girls just swoon and die

For two us you are so cute and nice
Making are love for you grow but twice
To see that slim and sexy body
Knowing that you are a real hotty

And are melina loves you so
Please do stay don't ever go
Guys just fall down at your feet
To hold your hand is such a treat

And as we love you for all time
Really msangelic is that such a crime
Let us hold you in are arms
And keep you safe from all harm